Spring 2024 Newsletter


Spring 2024

In this Issue:


Gardeners To The Rescue

Sports Teams Update

Forthcoming Events

Club Update

Gardeners To The Rescue


Gard 1

Gard 2

Gard 3


Garden Rescue – Thank you to the members who have been volunteering their time and getting down and dirty with revamping the garden space. Perfect for the summer!

Sports Success




Congratulations to our Pool team who were crowned champions of the Rugby & District Pool League Division 2

Continuing our sporting success, our Darts team were champions in the District Pairs Cup

Well done to all involved!

Coming Up





Watch The Big Games on Our BIG Screen!!

Obviously It's Comin' Home!!


Have You Tried These Burgers Yet???

Open Thursday - Sunday 1700-2100hrs. To order or for more information visit www.TheFlavourTrailer.com - Now also available on Deliveroo


Committee Update


Following on from the AGM in March, your committee have been working hard behind the scenes, overseeing jobs such as legal electrical testing, consulting with sanitation service providers, enrolling new members through the new membership application service, installing our new coffee machine as well as the general day to day tasks.

It has been wonderful to see members step up to the challenge of making this YOUR CLUB, with volunteers completely revamping the garden space and car park, taking on responsibility of the notice boards and generally sharing the love on social media. We would like to thank all of you for this continued support.

We are still keen to grow the committee, particularly within the finance team. No experience is required, you can give as much or as little time as you can. Believe it or not we are a nice bunch and it can be enjoyable! If you would like any more information please do come and speak to one of us, leave your details in the suggestion box or email hello@hillmortonex.co.uk

As well as the regular day to day tasks, we are keen to improve our communication with the membership and will be updating the website shortly with information about who your committee actually are! We are also aiming to send this newsletter out quarterly; our preference would be monthly but without more volunteers we just don’t have the time. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may be interested, and if any of your mates haven’t received this, get them to check their spam!


For more up to date information of events then do check our social media, check the outside notice boards or, even better, come in and check the notice boards inside and enjoy a drink.

Send free email today